The Straight Way Lost is a 400-page book that is one part sourcebook and setting guide for fantasy gaming in a Renaissance that never quite was, and the other part an earth-shaking adventure of intrigue, terror and triumph.
TSWL was successfully kickstarted in summer 2023 and is available in our shop and on DriveThruRPG.
This gripping adventure for 5e is set in a fantastical version of Renaissance Italy and features a voyage between Heaven and Hell inspired by that most renowned of Italian poems, the Divina Commedia.
Extensive background chapters detail everyday life in the Italian Renaissance, the worldview of its protagonists and the supernatural aspects unknown to most people, as well as extended character creation guidelines tailored to the setting. We present:
– 2 new character classes (artist and philosopher) and a sub-class (courtier),
– 2 new species,
– new skills and mechanics.
Coming in pdf and offset print, The Straight Way Lost is lavishly illustrated with 140 full-color artworks by Jana Heidersdorf, Gwenevere Singley and Mark Smylie.
Add-ons like stl-files for miniatures, maps and sound files enrich your roleplaying experience.